Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Issue 2 reflection

This issue I felt that I did a much better job than I did last time. I procrastinated a lot less. I still haven't learned to procrastinate on time but I will (just Kidding). I put more effort into this issue than i did on the last one. Even before I got paired up with Danielle (which was great) I really wanted to make my page the best it could be. I think I just got lucky by getting really cool stories assigned to my page  so I wanted to make a cool page to go with them. But no matter how cool my page was my   story wasn't on it which was what I think my shortcoming was on this issue. I think I tend to put less effort into the stories that take more work than I want to do. But people still needed it and they can't do their page if I don't do my story so that should have been the most important thing on my mind. 
This issue I plan to just do my stories on time so everyone can get their work done. Also just putting it out there I HATE MAST HEAD!!!! HATE IT!!!! That STUPID thing just throws me off. But I figure if i just get my stories done this issue then everyone can get on with their work.